Educational guide 
Faculty of Legal Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Law (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        

Presentation of a work report on a relevant and current topic in the field of financial and tax law and fiscal policy
Multiple-choice objective tests
Test-type theory test 40%
Practical tests
Practical test on the resolution of an IIT and/or EIT settlement 40%
Other comments and second exam session

Assessment (first and second call): in order to get the average grade for the subject, you must get at least a 4 in any of the assessment activities.

Assessment in the first call: the theoretical exam has a weight of 40%, the practical exam 40% and the work 20%.

Assessment in the second call: the theoretical exam has a weight of 50% and the practical exam 50% (with the same criteria as the first call). Only suspended evaluative activities will be subject to evaluation in the second call.

Additional call: theoretical exam with three questions from the entire subject syllabus and students will choose two questions to develop.

During activities and assessment tests in the classroom, students may not bring any type of communication, transmission or data storage device that is not expressly authorized for the test. Demonstrably fraudulent performance of any assessment activity of any subject, both in physical, virtual and electronic support, will result in the student receiving a failing grade for this assessment activity