Educational guide 
Faculty of Legal Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Law (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Participació en els debats i discussions realitzats a les classes de seminaris, prèvia lectura dels materials bibliogràfics corresponents. 40% de la nota final
Mixed tests
Prova oral amb preguntes sobre els continguts desenvolupats i explicats a les sessions magistrals. 60% de la nota final
Other comments and second exam session

In order to average the grades of the course, students must have passed each of the tests with a minimum mark of 4, both for the practical and theoretical parts. 

Only suspended activities will be subject to assessment in the second call.

The theoretical part will be evaluated with an oral test (60%). The practical part consists of participation and discussion of the bibliographical materials worked on in the seminars (40%).

The evaluation in the second call will follow the same system as in the first call. That is to say, there will be a final oral test which will account for 60% of the final mark and a practical test based on the work done in class on discussions and debates on the bibliographic materials, which will have a weight of 40%.

In the case of failing or not taking the practical part, this second exam will be a written test to develop the arguments and discussion of the bibliographical materials worked on in class, to be determined by the lecturer in charge. It will take place on the same date, place and time as the second exam of the subject.