Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Laboratory practicals
Mandatory delivery of previous studies.
Mandatory attendance and completion of the practices with delivery of reports.
It is planned to carry out 5 practices.
Mixed tests
3 partial exams of about 90 minutes in the ordinary classroom with test-type questions and/or problems. The weight of the partial exams is: 25% the first, 20% the second and 25% the third one. 70%

Constructive participation in classes and on the Virtual Campus is taken into account.

Other comments and second exam session

To pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a minimum of 3,5/10 in the global laboratory practices, a minimum of 3.5/10 in the joint qualification of the partial exams, and a weighted average (global practices and global exams) greater than or equal to 5/10. It is mandatory to do all the practices and partial exams. Although the teaching language of the different groups specified in the teaching guide may be different, statements of tests, practices and problems will be provided only in Catalan.

The global laboratory practice grade has a weight of 30% in both calls. In order to assess the final grade of the practices, individual additional exams can be carried out.

The second call will consist of an exam (test and/or problems) of the entire syllabus with a weight of 70%. There will be no specific evaluation of laboratory practices in the second call because the laboratory practices must be carried out during the continuous evaluation period.

Normally, the exams will be held face-to-face. During them, students will not be authorized to use any communication and data transmission device unless they receive express instructions from the supervising professors allowing their use.

In order to verify the identity of the students, to guarantee their evaluation rights, and to provide them with the necessary support, both online exams and online personalized attention may require the remote viewing of images provided by the communication devices used. The students must notify the people they live with of such circumstances and recommend that they not enter their surroundings during exams and consultations. In any case, the URV is not responsible for the accidental viewing of images that may affect the private and family life of the student. The student is not allowed to capture images without express authorization. If the professors deem it appropriate, they may ask students to show an identification document to prove their identity.