Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
Introductory activities Explanation of the objectives, content and evaluation process.
Lecture Explanation of the theoretical foundations of the different content blocks of the subject using slides and blackboard.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom During the course there will be exercises related to the theoretical context presented in the master sessions.
Previous study In order to get a better use of the practice sessions, the student must do the preparation tasks before going to the laboratory to do them.
Laboratory practicals Application of theoretical knowledge to specific situations, using computers, simulators and other practical elements of the laboratories. In order to get a better use of the practice sessions, the student must do the preparation tasks before going to the laboratory to do them.
Personal attention It includes the student's attention during teacher consultation hours, in relation to difficulties in understanding the syllabus or carrying out the assigned tasks: problems, previous studies and practicals.