Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Computer engineering (2010)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A5 Design applications that efficiently use the functions an operating system.
 A7 Understand the functioning of an operating system as a resource manager in the IT system.
 CM10 Understand the functioning of an operating system as a resource manager in the IT system.
Design applications that efficiently use the functions an operating system.
Understand the need to establish standard interfaces between the different levels of an operating system.
 CM14 Designs synchronous concurrent and parallel applications using the functionalities offered by operating systems.
Design applications that efficiently use the functions an operating system.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT5 Produce quality texts that have no grammatical or spelling errors, are properly structured and make appropriate and consistent use of formal and bibliographic conventions.
Draw up texts that are structured, clear, cohesive, rich and of the appropriate length
Draw up texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation, consistent and persuasive
Type C Code Learning outcomes