Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Food Bioprocess Engineering (2017)
Introductory activities Presentation of the subject and its evaluation criteria. Presentation of the students.
Lecture Theoretical exposition of the subject content with the help of presentations, projections, videos and any other appropriate documentation.

Examples and practical cases related to the quality of production processes in the food industry will be presented and discussed.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Approach, development and individual and group resolution of problems related to the subject content and simulating real cases.
Preliminary project Realization of a common project where several subjects of the degree are integrated. The students must work in teams and face open problems that make them train, among others, their learning, cooperation, leadership, organization, communication and interpersonal relationship strengthening skills

Seminars Specific aspects of transversal skills are studied in depth
Personal attention Students can make the inquiries they need during face-to-face class hours and also outside of them. In the latter case, it is necessary to arrange a prior appointment through Moodle or email in order to ensure the availability of the teaching staff.