Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Double degree in Chemical Engineering and Food Bioprocess Technology (2019)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
Problem solving in class 10%
Short-answer objective tests
Two partial exams. Both partial exams have the same weight. 90%
Other comments and second exam session

The subject will have two partial exams, and a series of deliverable exercises, as indicated above.

The conditions of the exam are as follows:

Cell phones may not be ON during the exam. Mobile phones may not be in sight and the student may not manipulate them during the test. The student cannot use any external means of communication or connect to the network to do something that is not strictly allowed in the exam.

You need to obtain a minimum average grade of 4 from both partial exams in order for the problem grade to count.

Second call: Individual test (90%) and Problems (10%).