Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Grau en Anglès (2009)
Activitats Introductòries Preliminary lectures and readings will be given to present the basic literary constituents that conform a play and a film script. The lectures and readings will be followed by full class discussions.
Sessió Magistral Lectures will be based on the reading material of texts and the assigned texts for analysis and discussion. They will highlight the main ideas and concepts that contribute to the analysis of a play and a film script.
Seminaris Seminars (practical classes) will encourage group discussion of a specified text, and will allow students to practice the analysis of example texts, along the theoretical lines proposed in the theory classes. Active participation of the student is expected.
Presentacions / exposicions Part of the evaluation process is based on individual oral presentations. The class will be divided into different groups and each group, and each student, will have to introduce different issues about a play. A general discussion will follow.
Atenció personalitzada Students are welcome to contact me in office hours or by email for personal consultation. I especially ask those students who have serious problems in attending classes regularly to contact me at the beginning of the course.