Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (2009)

Other comments
While regular attendance in class and participation are not given marks directly in the Continuous Assessment part of the course, it is understood that it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that students attend all classes and participate fully in them. It is further understood that to do so will automatically increase the students' likelihood of getting good results in their course work. Students who are unable to attend class on a regular basis because of work or a clash of timetables with other subjects should contact the teacher from the start of the course so that the impact of these obligations upon the student's potential performance can be assessed with the teacher, and recommendations made. When a student misses a deadline for work to be submitted or a test, they must present written justification from their doctor, or another appropriately authorized source, in order to justify an extension to a deadline or the possibility of being tested at a later date.