Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Ensenyament de Llengües Estrangeres (2007)
  Description Weight
Problem solving, exercises Participants will be given many opportunities to put into practice the content of class material through discussions, oral presentations and other activities. As such, active participation will be very important. 20 %
Assignments Participants will be expected to write a reflective journal (20%)
Participants will keep a reflective journal to document the responses to the in-class discussions and activities as well as their personal learning. Diary entries will be written both in and outside of class.
20 %
Integrated methodologies Class contents will be introduced through readings, listening, oral presentations and other activities. Active participation is very important. 10 %
Presentations / expositions Participants will be expected to give oral presentations
Participants will be asked to give two oral presentations throughout the course based on a topic of their choice (e.g. their favorite movie, advantages of Internet, etc.). They will also be expected to participate while their peers present by asking questions about the content of their presentations and by giving their opinion.

There will be quizzes.

30 %
Other comments and second exam session