Educational guide 
Faculty of Economics and Business
A A 
Graduate in Finances and Accounting
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
These tests provide students with activities, problems or cases to solve. Students must respond to the activity by using their theoretical knowledge of the subject in a practical fashion.

There will be 4 practical tests during the course, each will amount to 10% of the final grade.
Objective multiple-choice tests
These tests ask closed questions with multiple-choice answers. Pupils select one of a limited number of choices.

There will be a 30 questions test.
Each wrong answer will deduct 0,25 of all right answers.
Minimun score: 12 punts.
Other comments and second exam session

En la segona convocatòria no es guarda la nota de l'avaluació continuada. La prova constarà de dues parts que es farà el mateix dia i hora: la primera un examen tipus test (60% nota final) i la segona la resolució d'un cas pràctic (40%)


The percentage obtained from the practical tests will not be saved for the Second Call.
Second Call will be held on the same day and will consist of two tests: One multiple-choice test (60%) and one practical test (40%)