Educational guide 
Faculty of Economics and Business
A A 
Degree of Economics (2009)
   Sources of information

Anderson, David R.; Sweeney, Dennis J.; Williams, Thomas, A. (2010): Statistics for business and economics, South-Western.

Moore, David (2009): The Basic Practice of Statistics,W.H. Freeman.

Moore, David (2010): Essential Statistics, W.H.Freeman.

Newbold, Paul; Carlson, William; Thorne, Betty (2010): Statistics for Business and Economics, Prentice Hall.


On the web:

Glossary of statistics: http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/steps/glossary/index.html.

Data: http://www.statsci.org/datasets.html (A portal for statistical science),
http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/(EU statistics),
www.ine.es (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) and www.idescat.net (Institut Català d’Estadística).