Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to Industrial Automation Classification of types of processes and automation systems.
Relay Logic Automation based on relay logi.
Automation Methods: GRAFCET and GEMMA Introduction. Mealy and Moore Methods. The GRAFCET Method. GRAFCET implementation in relay logic. The GEMMA methodology.
Sensors Sensor Introduction. Sensors in the Automation Market.
Electroneumatics Devices and basic systems.
Programmable Logic Controllers Principles. Programation languages. Structure and connexions.
Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens S7 314) Structure. Connexions. Memory Map. Periferals. Digital and Analog I/O. PLC Cycle. Programming with S7-GRAPH. Aplications.
Introducció a les comunicacions industrials Elements. Aplicació de les comunicacions en l´automatizació. Model de referència OSI. Xarses d´àrea local (LAN). Capa física. Normes EIA RS-xxx. Capa d´enllaç. Normes IEEE 802.x. Capa d´aplicació. Busos de camp: profibus, SINEC L2 (Siemens). Introducció al control distribuït. Programes SCADA.
Other programming design methods Flux diagrams