Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 Use a generic simulator of dynamic systems to simulate the response of hydraulic, mechanical, thermal or hybrid systems.
Use an electric circuit simulator to simulate hydraulic, mechanical, thermal or hybrid systems use the concept of analogy.
 EI7 Know the concept of model, its properties and its limitations.
Know the dynamic elements of concentrated parameters used in mechanical, hydraulic and thermal systems: power and energy variables, symbols and interconnection rules.
Generate mathematical models through differential equations or the spatial representation of mechanical systems for the transfer of concentrated parameters.
Generate mathematical models for mechanical rotation systems of concentrated parameters.
Generate mathematical models for hydraulic systems of concentrated parameters.
Generate mathematical models of thermal systems of concentrated parameters.
Generate mathematical models for non-linear dynamic systems of concentrated parameters.
Construction electric circuits, through analogies, for mechanical, hydraulic, thermal or hybrid systems.
Use a transfer function to represent the relationship between an input and an output, given state-space linear models.
Around a point of operation, linearise the representation the state of a dynamic non-linear system.
Determine the stability of linear continuous-time systems.
Construct the phase portrait of non-linear dynamic systems of the second order.
Know the concept of limit cycle in non-linear second order dynamic systems.
Verify the stability of continuous-time autonomous non-linear systems based on Lyapunov theorems.
Verify whether a quadratic form is definite.
Verify the stability of continuous-time autonomous linear systems based on Lyapunov direct method.
Obtain the phase portrait of a dynamic non-linear system by simulation.
Simulate non-linear systems where there is a limit cycle or behaviour of a strange attractor.
 EI8 Generate models, in the s and z domains, of continuous-time systems with digital control (feedback sampled systems).
Design digital controllers and sampled linear systems.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B3 És capaç de resoldre problemes de forma enginyosa, amb iniciativa i creativitat, tenint en compte els conceptes de l'assignatura.
Type C Code Learning outcomes