Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016)
Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1 Integrate the fundamental technology, applications, services and systems of Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence,in a broader, multidisciplinary context.
 A3 Understand and know how to apply the functioning and organisation of the Internet, the technology and protocols of new-generation networks, the models of components, intermediate software and services.
 A6 Design and evaluate measures to protect the safety and privacy of operating systems and servers, and applications and systems based on distributed computing.
 G2 Perform mathematical modelling, calculation and simulation in company technology and engineering centres, particularly in tasks of research, development and innovation in the areas of Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence
Type B Code Competences Transversal
  CT1 Gestionar i comunicar informació complexa, de temes diversos, amb naturalitat, en llengua estrangera.
 CT2 Formular valoracions a partir de la gestió i ús eficient de la informació.
 CT4 Treballar en equips multidisciplinars i en contextos complexes.
 CT5 Comunicar idees complexes de manera efectiva a tot tipus d’audiències.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear