Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016) - Online
Type A Code Competences Specific
 A10 Use and develop methodologies, methods, techniques, specific-use programmes, regulations and standards for graphic computing.
 A11 Conceptualise, design, develop and evaluate the person-computer interaction of computer products, systems, applications and services using advanced artificial intelligence techniques interaction.
 A12 Create and operate virtual environments, and create, manage and distribute multimedia content guaranteeing the protection of privacy and copyright by techniques of computer security and Artificial Intelligence.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT2 Forming opinions on the basis of the efficient management and use of information
 CT3 Solve complex problems critically, creatively and innovatively in multidisciplinary contexts.
 CT5 Communicate complex ideas effectively to all sorts of audiences
Type C Code Competences Nuclear