Guia docent 
Facultat d'Enologia
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Grau d'Enologia (2009)
   Fonts d'informació

RIBEREAU-GAYON, P, DUBOURDIEU, D, DONECHE, B, LONVAUD, A, Traité d’oenologie. Microbiologie du vin, Ed. Dunod, Paris, 1998. (versión en Inglés, 2000)

FLEET, G.H., Wine microbiology and biotechnology, Harwood academic publishers, Switzerland, 1993


SUAREZ, J.A., Levaduras vínicas: funcionalidad y uso en bodega, Ediciones Mundi Prensa, Madrid, 1997

SUAREZ, J.A. & B. IÑIGO, Microbiología enológica, Ediciones Mundi Prensa, Madrid, 1990

BOULTON, R.B., Principles and practices of winemaking, Chapman & Hall, Nueva York, 1996

DICKINSON JR., SWEIZER M., The metabolism and molecular physiology of Saccharomyces cereviae, Taylor & Francis, 1999

BROACH JR., PRINGLE JR., JONES EW, The molecular and cell biology of the yeast Saccharomyces, CSHL Press, 1991

KURTZMAN, C P & FELL, J W, The yeasts: A taxonomic study, Ed. Elsevier Science Pule. Co., Amsterdam, 1998

OUGH, C.S., Tratado básico de enología, Acribia, Zaragoza, 1996

FUGELSANG, K.C., Wine microbiology, Ed. Chapman and Hall Enology Library, New York, 1997

DELFINI, C. & V.F. FORMICA, Wine Microbiology, Science and Technology, Ed. Marcel Dekker, Nueva York, 2001

JACKSON, R.S., Wine science principles and applications, Academic Press, San Diego, 1994

VERARCHTERT, H. & DE MOT, R., Yeast biotechnology and biocatalysis, Ed. Marcel Dekker cop., Nueva York, 1990

REED, G. & NAGODAWITHANA, Yeast technology, Van Nostrand Reinhold, USA, 1991

BARNETT, J.A., R.W. PAYNE & D. YARROW, Yeast: Characteristics and identification, Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990

WALKER, G., Yeast: physiology and biotechnology, Ed. Wiley, New York, 1998

MORENO-ARRIBAS, MV & POLO, MC, Wine chemistry and biochemistry, Ed. Springer, New York, 2009.

FLANZY, C, OEnologie: fondements scientifiques et technologiques, Ed. Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris, 1998.

ALEXANDRE, H, GRANVALET, C, GUILLOUX-BÉNATIER, M, REMIZE-BARNAVON F AND TOURDOT-MARÉCHAL, R, Les bactéries lactiques en oenologie. Ed. Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris, 2008.