Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Oenology (2014)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Laboratory practicals
S'avaluarà la preparació d'aquestes així com l'execució al laboratori (idoneïtat del material emprat, preguntes i implicació, sentit crític, temps emprat) i la llibreta de laboratori. 27'5% de la nota final (el treball realitzat al laboratori, juntament amb la llibreta i els informes de pràctiques, comptaran un 55% de la nota de pràctiques)
S'avaluarà el lliurament de treballs a través de la plataforma Moodle, en fons i forma 15% de la nota final
Problem solving, exercises
S'avaluarà la resolució dels problemes plantejats a l'aula i realitzats de forma autònoma. 15% de la nota final
Multiple-choice objective tests
S'avaluarà l'aprenentatge dels conceptes fonamentals mitjançant controls tipus test fets a l'aula 20% de la nota final
Extended-answer tests
Avaluació dels conceptes teòrics i de la resolució de problemes pràctics, tots ells relacionats amb les pràctiques del laboratori 22’5% de la nota final (aquest examen compta un 45% de la nota de pràctiques)
Mixed tests
Avaluació dels conceptes teòrics abordats a les classes magistrals així com dels petits càlculs treballats a les mateixes classes 20% de la nota final
Other comments and second exam session

The evaluation of the subject pivots on two axes, which are theoretical and practical content, 50% each. The course introduces a problem to be solved wine key chemical analysis and presented orally to their fellow students. The rest of the course is aimed at solving this problem, using the proper tools for each situation. The course ends remaking this initial work but incorporating the knowledge gained.

To assess learning, different strategies (mainly online tasks and multiple choice tests) are used throughout the course. It is important to bear in mind that the score of the controls carried out in class must be greater than 4 in order to be averaged with the rest of the tests, which must have been delivered synchronously with the development of the course and also have obtained a score greater than 4 to average with that of the controls. It is essential, to consider the continuous evaluation, that ALL the works have been delivered on time and the controls have been carried out in the classroom.

For the second call, there will be a test on the theoretical content and another on the practical content of the subject. The mark in each of the tests must be greater than 4 to average with the other part and, in any case, the average mark must be equal to or greater than 5 to pass the subject

During the evaluation tests, mobile phones, tablets and other devices that are not expressly authorized by the test, must be turned off and out of sight.

The realization of any fraudulent activity demonstratively evaluation of any subject material support as both virtual and electronic leads the student grade suspense of this activity assessment. Regardless of this, the seriousness of the facts, the center may propose the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, which will be initiated by decision of the rector.

EVALUATION OF POWER IS INTEGRATED COURSE. The degree of achievement will affect the status of any work or tests in a variable percentage depending on their type and indicated in each case before (via Moodle). Since the 2014-15 academic year will be special emphasis on skills assessment B6 and C4.