Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Oenology (2014)
   Sources of information
Basic Josep Saña, Química per a les ciències de la naturalesa i l'alimentació , , Ed. Vicens Vives
Daniel C. Harris, Análisis químico cuantitativo, , Reverté
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Fundamentos de química analítica, , McGraw-Hill

It is highly recommended to use a textbook (as the one indicated in the first place and in the complementary bibliography) specific for understanding the principles of analytical chemistry, but, since this is an introductory course, it is also very important to contextualize it well and, therefore, it is important to explore the food (wine) role of this discipline (chemical analysis).

For that reason popular science books have been included as basic reading.


Complementary Juan García Barceló, Técnicas analíticas para vinos, , GAB Sistemática Analítica S.L.
Organización Internacional de la Viña y el Vino, Compendio de los métodos internacionales de análisis de los vinos y de los mostos (2 vol.), , OIV

Popular science blogs such as Scientia, blog de Bertus, la margarita se agita, gominolas de petróleo iand el búho gris are also highly recommended.