Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Chemical Engineering (2013)
Topic Sub-topic
Fundamentals of product and process design.

- Why modelling?
- Fundamentals of optimization
Product and process design using mathematical programming & optimization. Decision support tool: solver MSExcel - Easy things I have to say
- Solver Excel Training: toy examples
- Practical issues
- Examples: toy examples, power generation, allocation (with carryover), cutting pieces, 2 echelons supply chain, 3 echelons supply chain, multiproduct supply chain, facility closing, HHRR scheduling, HHRR scheduling with workers preference, process synthesis (superestructures), dynamic optimization, multiobjective optimization
- Advanced aspects
Product and process design of batch processes
- Overview of batch processes: Operation mode, up & down streams, Gantt chart
- Scheduling of single product plants: Non-overlapping & overlapping
- Scheduling of multiple products plants: Flow/jobshop, product campaigns (single and mixed), transfer policies (Zero wait, no-intermediate storage tank & unlimited intermediate storage tank)
- Design and retrofit batch processes: Beer batch production
-Paper and pencil case studies.
- Lessons learnt
Batch product and process design. Decision support tool: SuperPro - Modelling batch processes: decision making.
- Super Pro minitutorial. Case studies.
- SuperPro workshops.
- Case studies: beta galactose, WWTP, SPD, continuos, cost analysis, databanks, MAB, brewery, carrageeenan, corn refinery, WFI.
Product and proces design: Optimization General concepts and NLP
- Introduction to optimization
- Convexity of an optimization problem
- Karush-Kuhn Tucker conditions of an optimization problem
Linear Programming:
- Introduction to linear programming
- Sensitivity analysis in LP
- How to solve simple LPs in Excel
- Fundamentals of MILP
- Branch and bound method
- Fundamentals of MINLP