Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
The subject will be evaluated through the work carried out in the workshop and during visits to Barcelona and Paris.
It is essential to attend 9 of the 10 sessions to be able to be evaluated, and therefore it is essential to travel to Paris. The exercises will be developed in groups of at least 3 people (one in each school). To the extent possible, and in order to reduce the cost of the stay, it will be tried that students also exchange their accommodation. The intensive weeks of work will be specified before enrollment. It is recommended
having completed Urbanism and Project V-VI, which works for collective housing.
100% de la nota

The evaluation of the student will be based on the objectives achieved in the following aspects: 1-Reflection, debate and exercise on contemporary housing and society a which must answer. 2-Understand and know how to project interior-external, public-community-private relationships in collective housing. 3- Understand theoretical models of housing and ways of living and crossing them with real experience by visiting and analyzing some of the cases. 3-Be able to face in an agile way and through drawing and sketches by hand raised to the questions about the dwelling that arise. 4-Learn to work in teams and with students from other universities and countries. 5-Respond properly when asked questions in an oral or written presentation.

Other comments and second exam session