Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to Immunology - Origin and historical evolution of Immunology
- Generalities of the immune system
- Immune cells
- Immunity innate
- Immunity acquired
2. Immune system tissues - Anatomical organization of the immune system
- Primary lymphoid organs
- Secondary lymphoid organs
- Lymphatic flow
3. Innate immunity and inflammation - Inflammatory cell component
- Soluble factors own to innate immunity
- Dynamics and molecular bases of inflammation
4. The complement system - Components and nomenclature
- Activation by the classic way
- Activation by the alternative way
- Activation via lectins
- Membrane attack complex
- Effector systems of the complement system
- Integration and feedback of the complement system
- Acute inflammatory response
- Regulation of the Complement
5. Antigens and presentation of antigens - Concept and properties of antigens
- Structure and function of MHC-I and MHC-II
- Genetics and MHC polymorphism
- Expression of the MHC
- Specificity of MHC and initiation of adaptive immunity
6. Repertoire of Ig - Properties of Ig
- Antigen-antibody binding
- Genetics of Igs
- Ig gene fragments
- Somatic recombinations
- Diversity of union
- Allelic exclusion
- Concept of somatic hypermutation and change of isotype
7. Maturation and activation of B-lymphocytes - Differentiation and maturation of B lymphocytes
- B cell markers
- Expression of the BCR
- Selection of B lymphocytes
- Central and peripheral tolerance
- Concept of anergy
- B lymphocyte subpopulations
- Accommodation and circulation of B lymphocytes
- T-independent activation of B lymphocytes
8. Maturation and activation of T-lymphocytes - Gene organization and expression of the TCR
- Co-receptors and co-stimulators
- Thymic selection and peripheral tolerance
- CD4 + / CD8 + differentiation
- Immunological synapse
9. Lymphocyte T i B collaboration - Recognition T-B
- T-dependent activation of B cells
- Migration of T and B in the follicles
- Formation of germinal centers
- Proliferation and differentiation B
- Switching or Ig isotype change
- Maturation of Ig Affinity (Hypermutation)
- Differentiation of B lymphocytes
- Homing of B cells
- Immune memory
10. Cytokines - Cytokines properties
- Cytokines receptors
- Cytokines functions
- Anti- and proinflammatory cytokines
- Regulatory effects of cytokines in adaptive responses
11. Subpopulations of effector T lymphocytes - Citotoxicity by T-CTL and NK cells
- Differentiation Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg
- Effective and regulating functions of subpopulations T