Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction 1. Biology: Science of Life. Characteristics of living Beings. Organisation levels.
2. Biomolecules 2. Life chemistry. Structure and function of biomolecules and macromolecules.
3. The cell 3. Cellular organisation. Prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells. Cell-division cycle and mitosis on eukaryotic cells. Sexual reproduction and meiosis.
4. Genes 4. Genes. Chromosomal basis of inheritance. DNA structure and DNA replication. Gene expression.
5. Evolution 5. Evolution. Origin of life on Earth. Paleobiology. Diversity of life. The evolutionary classification of organisms.
6. Viruses 6. Viruses: structure and types. Prokaryotes: bacteria and methanobacterium.
7. Eucaryotes 7. Protists and the origin of eukaryotes. Fungi: characteristics and types.
8. Plants 8. Plants: structures and functions. Classification. Gymnosperms and angiosperms plants.