Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Formal Mentoring Program
1st Cycle

¿What are academic tutorials?

Academic tutoring allows students to have ongoing support from a tutor in order to respond to the problems and needs related to their university life.

Each student has a tutor from beginning until the race ends.

Moreover, the student also has other resources such as courses and seminars with which to develop transversal skills.

¿In what ways can academia tutorials be useful?

Tutoring I can be useful to:

¿How are the tutorials organized?

The tutorials that you will attend will be able to be organized with three types of activities:

- Tutorials in small group: for training and informative topics where it is necessary to work in a small group encouraging your discussion and participation.

- Individual tutorials: when you want to consult your tutor personal issues.You have to ask for them.

- Seminars / workshops / courses: of a formative nature.The tutor will inform you that they are interesting to attend.

You can contact your tutor in person and online.

- Face-to-face: when you are physically in the same place with the tutor.

- Virtual: through Moodle: E-tutorials.E-tutorials are intended to facilitate communication with the tutor, agree on a day and hour for tutoring and have important information.You will access this space through the page: http://moodle.urv.cat

The centers and the departments assign a tutor individually to each student.

¿Who is my tutor?

The tutorials can be arranged with three types of activities:

You can communicate with your tutor in person and virtually.

E-tutoring is to help you communicate with the tutor agree on a day and time for tutoring and have important information. You'll be in this space through Page: http://moodle.urv.cat

¿How are tutors assigned to students?

The assignment is random. In case there are problems of understanding between a tutor and student there is the possibility of requesting a change.

¿When should I attend tutorials?

Since this service is important to the development of students any time of doubt it is advisable to go to resolve but at the beginning and end of the four-month periods more interesting.