
Els alumnes tindran a la seva disposició en l'espai virtual de l'assignatura una selecció bibliogràfica per a cadascuna de les sessions.


-          Aldrich, H. (1999) Organizations Evolving. Sage, London.

-          Analoui, F., y Karami, A. (2003) Strategic Management: In Small and Médium Enterprises. Thomson, London.

-          Bhidé, A. V.(2000) Origen y Evolución de Nuevas Empresas. Oxford University Press. México.

-          Carlock, R. S y Ward, J (2001) Strategic Planning for the Family Business: Parallel Planning to Unite the Family and Business. Palgrave, London.

-          Flamholtz, E. (1990). Growing pains. Jossey-Bass, Carlifonia.

-          Fink, M y Kraus, S.(eds) (2009) The Management of Small and Médium Enterprises. Routledge, London.

-          Simon. H. (1996) Hidden Champions. Lessons from 500 of the world’s Best Unknown Companies. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

-          Penrose, E. (1995) The theory of the growth of the firm. Oxford University Press, New York.