Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Estudis Culturals en Llengua Anglesa, Textos i Contextos (2009)
  Descripció Pes
Sessió Magistral Students will be expected to produce two written summaries of the principle theoretical considerations, after the introductory sessions are over. 30%
Seminaris Students must participate actively in these discussions, leading at least one seminar each with an initial 10-15 presentation of their findings in relation to the text under discussion 20%
Presentacions / exposicions 1. Students give a 10-15 minute presentation to the group, supported by Powerpoint or similar, of the main findings of their research project. 30%
2. Students hand in a written version of this project [1000 words] for assessment by the tutor. 10%
3. Students attend a tutorial at which they answer questions put to them by the tutor on their project. 5%
Atenció personalitzada Attendance of an individual tutorial session, presenting a completed questionaire, is obligatory - the principle aim being to set up the research project. 5%

Regular attendance in class. Only 80% attendance or above will earn the full qualification. Justified (with documents) absence will be taken into consideration for up to 20% absence

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