Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Tema Subtema
Introduction Course presentation
Classroom discussion
Technologies in the classroom
Video in the ELT Classroom: The Role of the Teacher
Downloading and converting videos Online programs to download and convert videos
Audio Visual Materials in the Classroom Audio Newspapers
Graphic and visual advertisements
Pre-readings tasks
Cartoon movie making site
Let's Karaoke! Using Karaoke in the classroom
Getting 'Real' with Video and CD-Rom The Need of Authenticity
Authentic vs. Adapted materials in the classroom
Hot Potatoes Using Hot Potatoes to create materials in the classroom
Inserting videos in Hot Potatoes exercises
A Digital Tool Box for Teachers Activities using digital tools
Interactive whiteboards
Web tools
The Implications of ICT in language classroom
Classroom Management and Seating Arrangements Diversity
Seat Arrangements
Mixed Abilities
Distance Education and Languages Learner Autonomy and the Distance Language Learner
Feedback in Distance Language Courses
Methodology and Course Design
Teaching foreign language skills by distance education methods
Power Point Presentations Planning a PPP
PPP with videos and sound
Inserting Windows Media Player into PPP
Embed YouTube videos into PPP