Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Finances and Accounting
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Ask intelligent questions that challenge what they have learned and show initiative in their search for information.
Have an overview of the various theories and methodologies of a subject.
Contrast their own mental schemas with those of others and exploit the differences as an opportunity to learn.
 B4 Decideix com gestiona i organitza el treball i el temps que necessita per dur a terme una tasca a partir d'una planificació orientativa
Decide what needs to be done for a particular job/project and do it according to schedule.
Reflect on their learning process and learning needs.
 B5 Accept and comply with the rules of the group.
Help to draw up and apply the team’s work processes.
Act constructively to deal with any conflicts in the team.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C4 Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce oral texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation.
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts
Produce written texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation
 C6 Identify their own academic and professional interests and motivations.
Develop resources and strategies that will ease their transition into working life.