Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management (2009)
Introductory activities Presentation of the subject and the teaching staff. Convey the objectives pursued. Detail the contents of the subject. Explain the work methodology that will be followed. Communicate and make clear the evaluation criteria and system.
Lecture Presentation in the classroom by the teaching staff of the theoretical content of the subject, but with the active participation of the students. Part of the theoretical content of the subject will have to be prepared by the students on their own.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Analysis and resolution in the classroom of problems, exercises and practical cases related to the subject matter. Practical activities to relate and consolidate theoretical knowledge in its application, with a fundamentally professional perspective.
Projects Monographic work carried out as a team, to respond to a strategic challenge posed by the MAPFRE company.
Presentations / oral communications Oral presentation of the contents of the monographic work carried out as a team (project) in previously recorded video (.mp4) format (may also incorporate power point slides and/or other elements).
Personal attention Time that the teaching staff devotes to the attention and resolution of doubts and inquiries about the subject, both theoretical and practical. This attention is carried out in the teacher's office during the established attention hours.