Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Economics (2009)
   Sources of information
Basic Krugman, P. i Wells, R., Macroeconomía, 3a ed., (2016), Editorial Reverté. Barcelona
Mankiw, N.B., Principios de Economía, (2017), Cengage Learning Editores. México, D.C.

The lecture notes for the course will be available at http://gandalf.fee.urv.cat/professors/AntonioQuesada/docencia.html.

Any textbook entitled "Principles of Macroeconomics", "Introduction to Macroeconomics", or, simply, "Macroeconomics" (as long as the level of the book is not above the intermediate level) could be used to follow or prepare the contents of the course. It could also be used the Macroeconomics part of textbooks entitled "Principles of Economics", "Introduction to Economics", "Foundations of Economics", or, simply, "Economics".
