Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Oenology (2014)
Introductory activities Explanation of the program, tasks to be evaluated and schedule for the delivery of tasks and tests
Lecture Theoretical sessions in the classroom
Fieldwork/excursions Internships at the Constantí estate of the URV or in the Faculty's laboratory

The practices are: analysis of soil microbiota, placement of pheromones and characterization of adventitious grasses
At the end of the practical session, a report with results and interpretation must be written within 15 days

Attendance at the practices and completion of the report is mandatory for all students. In case of repeating the subject for the 3rd time, a theoretical exam will be conducted on the subject of the practice, in addition to the examination of the corresponding call

Weather conditions can change the calendar of the same
Assignments At the end of the first part of the subject (subjects 1, 2 and 3) there will be an exhibition on Viticulture Models, and wines produced according to different methodologies will be tasted (Tasting room of the Faculty of Enology).

At the end of the second part of the subject, a calendar will be made according to the presence of pests and diseases in a specific vineyard

Both activities are mandatory, and failure to hand in the work or attend the presentation will result in a grade of 0 (Not Presented)
Personal attention Exam revision tutorials, doubts, corrections, etc.