Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
Introductory activities Explain the objective, the guide and the evaluation of the subject.
Lecture Explain the theory of each topic, mainly using slides.
It is also possible to carry out problem solving sessions using also, by default, slides with the solution code.
Experimental integrative project Realization of the project (Control distribution applied to the remote control of a motor) in the laboratory in the following phases:
P1-pwm motor control and encoder reading (prog on SO monotask).
P2-communication "slave" of a motor control node (phase P1) to be controlled remotely (prog on SO monotask).
P3-Basic application of generic control on the Multitasking Operating System (SOMT).
P4- SOMT communication application "master" to communicate with the node of phase P2.
P5-SOMT application for remote speed control of the P2 phase node.
Personal attention Resolution of doubts. If they are programming and it is required to check the execution of the code, it will be carried out on the student's computer.