Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Oenology (2014)
Introductory activities On the first day of class, the subject will be presented,as well as its organization, the methodology to be followed, the most appropriate bibliography, and the evaluation methodology. It will be explained to the students how to contact the teacher outside of class hours.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Theoretical questions and practical problems related to fraud detection, analytical parameters of acidity, deacidifications, acidifications, and precipitations will be solved in the classroom.
Lecture The contents of the subject will be explained in the classroom and the articles that the students will be able to access will be briefly discussed. In this sense, the student will access, through Moodle, documents, publications, and works related to current lines of research in the field of oenological chemistry and to the subject matter. Access to this information is voluntary and will be provided so that the student can expand on those aspects of the subject that may be of interest to them.
Debates Discussion in the classroom on specific topics related to the contents of the subject being taught.
Personal attention The student canask questions to the teacher about any aspect related to the subject at times agreed in advance.